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Bài Đăng Mới Nhất

benefits using the Internet and computers (DOAN VAN SAN)

This week topic: Use internet for everyone. Part one.
Date: 25. Aug.2011
Trainee: DOAN VAN SAN, from BD
Lecturer: Mrs.  DANG LE PHUONG

Marks: 10
Nowadays, the world is getting smaller more and more. The explosion of the information technology  already bring out many chance for everyone on our planet.
So, What chance are they?
We have more chance to study, learn, do which we like: The entertainment, sports, games, tourists and many other things. All are interesting.
Imagine that, if you are student, office staff, researcher, etc….and someday you don’t have computer next. I think you will do nothing anymore.
Nowadays, internet and computer are indispensable. It helps us so much in our work. We save a lot of time in analysis data, draw a picture, treatment photograph, solve all problem related to controller, simulation, etc, ...  in technical industry. That could not imagine in past. But it is actual now.
To me, every day I always use computer for my work. I will across difficultly if I work without it.
Maybe I should talk you about the method to effectively use internet and computer instead of telling about the benefit of them. It is so clearly for you. You can see them at everywhere.
Have you often surfed web? Which are your websites favourite? What web browser are you using?
What topic you like? What forum you usually access to take part in exchanges about all you interested in.
But I think, before you intend to do anything on the internet, you should learn a little about it. That helps you more easily to find what you need.
And furthermore, it is necessary to in other that you can prevent you from hazard, risk that comes from the internet.
Today, I will talk to you some my experiences about the use using the internet.
First, always ensure that your computer has an antivirus program and firewall to protect you it from virus and worm from the internet. Actually, there are many antivirus programs you might able to use. In case that your finance is good, it allows you can purchase copyright program which will protect your computer best. Otherwise, you also use free software with trial some days. My advice is that you should equip for yourself some software like: FV free antivirus, VTK antivirus,…
Second, always remember that you should been never clicked any advertisements. It is great chance for hacker research and stole your information.
Third, if you intend to access and become a member of any forum, please carefully think before you provide any your information to anyone. The advice is here that you should use other your email. I say this because I had already received so much spam email, simple that I shown my real email which was used to exchange to my friend, my partner in my business. Up to now, I have been receiving not as less as 50 spam email from business advertisement websites every day.
The fourthly, don’t clicking “yes” or “no” in taskbar appearance while you are trying access any website. I sure to you that yes and no really haven’t any significance in the network world. Yes sometimes mean “No” any actions, and no mean “yes” some actions. It is simple a cheat.
The fifthly, attention to any attached file were downloaded from the net. You should appraisal and check attached file before you might able to load. It never be unwanted. There are many attached file included viruses. You don’t surprise about it. An important thing is you shouldn’t load the file which the extension of file type is exe. Most file have exe extension are run program. My advice is you please access website provide software to which many people access.
Sixthly, you should have an USB to copy and share your file to anyone. Beside it, your USB need some software portable. It will help you in many cases. Because of sometimes you cannot bring out your computer.
Finally, you have to backup important your data more often. It is very easy, but I know there are only a few people did it.
Next week, I am going to continue this topic. I will give you some my experience about using Google tool.
Thanks for your interest.


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