- adopt (v) / əˈdɑːpt/: nhận con nuôi
Eg(vd): She was forced to have her baby adopted.
- ancestor (n) / ˈænsestər/: ông bà ông vải, tổ tiên, những người đã khuất
Eg(vd): His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.
- brother-in-law (n) / ˈbrʌðər ɪn lɔː/: anh (em) rể
Eg(vd): Peter is Nancy's brother-in-law.
- daughter (n) / ˈdɔːtər/: con gái ruột
Eg(vd): They have three grown-up daughters.
- descendant (n) /dɪˈsendənt/: con cháu, hậu duệ, người nối dõi
Eg(vd): any of them are descendants of the original settlers.
- divorced (adj) /dɪˈvɔːrst/: ly dị
Eg(vd): Many divorced men remarry and have second families.
- elder (adj) / ˈeldər/: già hơn, nhiều tuổi hơn
Eg(vd): He is my elder brother
- eldest (adj) / ˈeldɪst/: già nhất, nhiều tuổi nhất (trong một nhóm)
Eg(vd): Tom is my eldest son.
- engaged (adj) / ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/: đính hôn, đính ước
Eg(vd): They were engaged in conversation.
- family tree (n) /ˈfæməli triː/: phả hệ
Eg(vd): How far back can you trace your family tree?
- granddaughter (n) /ˈɡrændɔːtər/: cháu gái nội (ngoại)
Eg(vd): Alice is Nancy's granddaughter.
- grandson (n) /ˈɡrænsʌn/: cháu trai nội (ngoại)
Eg(vd): Peter is Nancy's grandson.
- haft-brother (n) /hæft-ˈbrʌðər/: anh (em) trai cùng cha khác mẹ hay cùng mẹ khác cha.
Eg(vd): He is Mary's haft-brother.
- haft-sister (n) /hæft ˈsɪstər/: chị (em) gái cùng cha khác mẹ hay cùng mẹ khác cha.
Eg(vd): Anna and Kate are haft-sisters.
- husband (n) /ˈhʌzbənd/: chồng, người chồng
Eg(vd): This is my husband, Steve.
- in-laws (n) /ɪn lɔːz/: bố mẹ chồng (vợ)
Eg(vd): We're visiting my in-laws on Sunday.
- marriage (n) /ˈmærɪdʒ/: đám cưới, cưới xin
Eg(vd): All of her children's marriages ended in divorce.
- marry (v) / ˈmæri/: cưới
Eg(vd): He was 36 when he married Viv.
- nephew (n) /ˈnefjuː/: cháu (con anh hay chị)
Eg(vd): My nephew is very cute
- niece (n) / niːs/: cháu gái (con anh chị)
Eg(vd): These two girls are my nieces.
- raise (v) /raise/: nuôi nấng
Eg(vd): She raised the gun and fired.
- sibling (n) /ˈsɪblɪŋ/: anh, chị em trong gia đình (chỉ chung)
Eg(vd): How many siblings do you have?
- sister-in-law (n) /sɪstər ɪn lɔː/: chị (em) dâu
Eg(vd): This is my sister-in-law. Her name is Lana
- son (n) /sʌn/: con trai ruột
Eg(vd): We have two sons and a daughter.
- stepbrother (n) /stepbrother/: anh, em con bố, mẹ kế
Eg(vd): His father married another woman. She has a boy, so the boy is his stepbrother.
- stepsister (n) /ˈstepsɪstər/: chị, em con bố, mẹ kế
Eg(vd): I hate Nancy's stepsister. She is too selfish.
- wedding (n) / ˈwedɪŋ/: lễ cưới
Eg(vd): Have you been invited to their wedding?
- wife (n) /waɪf/: vợ, người vợ
Eg(vd): She's his second wife.
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