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Bài Đăng Mới Nhất

Bài 2: Thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành - Thì Quá Khứ Đơn

Trong bài này chúng ta sẽ được học thì hiện tại hoàn thànhthì quá khứ đơn. Các bạn xem chi tiết hai thì này với video bên dưới nhé. Chúc các bạn học tiếng anh thật tốt. Nếu bài viết hay hãy click vào like để ủng hộ người viết nhé.^^
(Nguồn video thaytro.vn)

I. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

1. Cách chia thì hiện tại hoàn thành:

S + HAVE + Ved/C3 + O
* I/ We/ You/ They -> HAVE
* He/ She/ It -> HAS

2. Negative:
      HAS NOT
* I/ We/ You/ They -> HAVE NOT (HAVEN’T)
* He/ She/ It -> HAS NOT (HASN’T)
3. Interrogative:
HAVE +S + Ved/C3 + O?
* I/ We/ You/ They -> HAVE
* He/ She/ It -> HAS

- I have lived in HCM City for ten years.
- Jane has been to Beijing.
- They have worked for the company since 1975.
- Julia and Same have known each other for a long time.
-I haven’t met him yet.
- Jane hasn’t done the exercise.
- The woman hasn’t cleaned the floor.
- My sister hasn’t been to Tokyo.
-Have you painted your house?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Has Paul completed his research?
Have the kids seen a white bear before?
1. Tom (just/repair)……. His bicycle.
2. Fred (be)... a pilot since 1992.
3. We (know) … each other since our childhood.
4. My car (break) … down three times this week.
5. She (already/read)… the book
6. My friend (have)… a cold for two weeks.
7. Ms. Lan (study)…. English since 1990.
8. I (already/finish) … my homework.
9. Mary (love) … chocolate since she was a little girl.
10. This wine (be)…. In the cellar for 15 year.
1. My friends and I (not/take)……. the exam.
2. The rain (not/stop) …..
3. People (not/travel) … to Mars
4. I (not/read) … the book yet.
5. Mr. and Mrs. Pike (never/be)…..to France.
6. Richard (never/climb)…….. that mountain.
7. Bill (not/arrive) …….. yet.
8. Mary (not/talk) ....to any specialist.
9. We (not/graduate) ….. from the university.
10. I (not/receive) …… my friend’s letter.
1……your mother (buy)….. a new shirt for you?
2……you (ever/be) …. to Hanoi?
3…….the students (hand)…. in their papers?
4…….Jill and Jim (fix)…….the table?
5…..the girls (wash) …. their clothes?
6. Why ….. you (study) …. English?
7. …… he (tell) … you the story?
…. You (ever/visit)….the museum?
9. ……them (hear)….. anything about their grandson?
10. ……. people (travel)…… to the moon?

2. Cách dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

USE1: Actions which started in the past and are still continuing.

     - He has lived in Canada for five years.
     (He started living in Canada five years ago, and he's still living there now.)
     - She has worked at the University since 1994.
     (She started working at the University in 1994, and she's still working there now.)

USE2: Action which happened at some unknown time in the past.

     - I've already seen that film
     (It doesn't matter when I saw it.)
     - Have you ever been to Germany?
     Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
     (It doesn't matter when you went - I just want to know whether you have been there or not)

USE 3: Actions which happened in the past, but have an effect in the present.

     - I've lost my keys.
     (I haven't found the keys yet - They're still missing.)
     - She's broken her arm.
     (The arm is still injured.)

USE 4: Actions which have just happened.

     I have just come here.
     Jack has just arrieved in San Francisco.
     They have just had dinner.
     We have just known each other.

3. Adverbs with Present Perfect tense:

     just, already, recently, lately, ever, never, yet....

4. Prepositions with the Present Perfect:

last week
our childhood
two months
five years

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks using Present Perfect tense of the given verbs

1. Begin: We're late - The game....................
2. Break: Sheley can't go skiing any more. She ..............her leg.
3. Become: In the last few years, it ...............more and more difficult to get into college.
4. Bring: Duncan's here, and he................ some sandwiches!
5. Not/ Choose: She's getting married in a week, and she ........... her dress yet.
6. Never/ Swim: She .................. in the sea befor.
7. Drink: It's so hot that I .......... five cans of Coke already this afternoon.
8. Eat: You ............. my lunch! How dare you!
9. Fall: The price of oil .......... rapidly since January.
10. Never/ Feel: I ............... so good!
11. Hear: ..............you .................about the accident?
12. Steal: Someone............... my bicycle!
13. Teach: Gerry .............English for many years.
14 Write: How many pages .............you ............?
15. Close: The shop ............... for Christmas.

Exercise 2: Write complete sentences using Present Perfect Tense and SINCE or FOR.

1. I / live / here / five years.
2. Fred / be / pilot / 1992.
3. We / know / each other / childhood.
4. Ten years / Mayumi and Yoko / work / in the sameoffice.
5. I / want / play / professional hockey / I was four.

II. Thì quá khứ đơn.

1. Cách chia thì quá khứ đơn:

S + Ved/C2 + O
2. Negative:
S + DID NOT + V + O
3. Interrogative:
DID + S + V + O?
-My family moved to HCM City in 1983
- Sue bought a new dress yesterday.
- We went to Dalat last sumer.
- It rained a lot last week
-My family didn’t move to HCMC in 1983.
- Sue didn’t buy a new dress yesterday.
- I didn’t go on vacation last summer.
- It didn’t rain a lot last week.
-Did your family move to HCMC in 1983?
Yes, we did./ No, we didn’t.
Did Sue buy a new dress yesterday?
-Did they sell their old car last month?
Did it rain a lot last week?
1. Last year I (spend)……...my holiday in Ireland.
2. We (have) …… a great party.
3. I (travel) …. around by car with two friends and we (visit) …….. lots of interesting places.
4. In the evening we (go) … to a pub.
5. One night we even (learn) …. Some Irish dances.
6. We (eat) ….. a lot of Irish food.
7. It (not/ rain) …. A lot.
8. But we (see) …. Some beautiful rainbows.
9. We (take) …. A lot of photographs.
10. Where (spend / you) …. Your last holiday?
1. Yesterday, I (not/go) …. to the restaurant.
2. He (not/do) ….. the exercise.
3. She (not/pass) … the last exam because she (not/study)…..hard.
4. I (not/hear)…..anything about her.
5. Peter (not/come) …. to class last Friday.
6. David (not/take)…. His mother’s advice.
7. Last month, Sue (not/come)…..here.
8. We (not/see) ….. him at the party last night.
9. They (not/arrive) …… at the airport on time because of bad weather.
10. Susan (not/hand in)……..the reports last week.
1……you (receive)…….the letter yesterday?
2. Why ……he (come)….to New York last year?
3. How long ….. it (take)…. You to come here this morning?
4. …. Elizabeth (finish)…..her homework yesterday?
5. Last night, ……he (come)……back home late?
6. What …. you (do)….. yesterday?
7. When …….your family (move) ….here?
8. ……...Jack (visit)….his grandparents last week?
9. ………the government (reduce)………taxes last year?
10………..you (meet)…………her this morning?

2. Cách dùng thị quá khứ đơn.

USE 1: Completed Actions in the Past

     I saw a movie yesterday.
     He didn't see a play yesterday.
     Last year, I traveled to Japan.

USE 2: A Series of Completed Actions

     I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.

USE 3: Habits in the Past.

     I studied French when I was a child.
     He played the violin ten years ago.
     She worked here after school last year.

USE 4: Past Facts.

     He didn't like tomatoes when he was young.
     People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

3. Adverbs with Simple Past tense:

     Ago (two days ago: a week ago; ten years ago....)
     Last week; ;ast month; last year; last Sunday........

4. Prepositions with Simple Past tens:

     in (January; 1975 (time in the past))

Exercise1: Fill in the blank.

1. Yesterday, I (go) ........ to the restaurant with my friend.
2. This morning, we (drive)......  around the parking lot in order to find a parking space, but we couldn't find one.
3. We (not/meet) ......... her yesterday.
4. Columbus (discover) ...... America more than 400 years ago.
5. They (com) ........to see me last week.
6. Albert Einstein (die)........ on April 18, 1955.
7. My friend and I (walk) ........ in the park this afternoon.
8. What ..... you (buy) ....... yesterday?
9. We (not/take)..... the bus to school last week.
10. What time .......... you (get) ...... up this morning?

Exercise 2: There is 1 mistake in every sentence. Find it and write the sentence right:

I didn't celebrated New Year's Eve.
Yesterday, my friends organize a dress party,
but they didn't invited me.
So, I were very sad and lonely.
My best friends didn't were with me.
My cousin visit me in the afternoon,
but then she go to a party,
I didn't watched TV because there was a horrible program.
Everybody laughed, sing and was very happy.
But I were not happy, I didn't have a good time.


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