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Bài Đăng Mới Nhất


Trainee’s name: Kim Ngan
Repaired by Dang le Phuong , 21 October, 2011
Today, we all are living in an epoch of modern and civilization in human history.
So, we need to do what to develop for self ourselves in the epoch of information boom today.
May be, someone of we all also think about your job very much. Though you live in the present or future, then it also connect closely to your life. (what purposes did you wrote it? )
Towards with me, the current, I’m working for the limited liability company.
I remember, two years ago, the first day, when I was called to interview at an Aluminium Paper Packaging Company, I’m I were feel happy very much, because when I just graduated from college, I’m were feel lucky when I was a company called on interviews by the company. Then, I was received into who make as an accounting accountant in The Company. I’m happiness so much.
After one year I worked, I also have learned many experiences from this company. But the current salary that I earn no more, especially in the current difficult life with high state of inflation and the currency was devalued increasingly. So, I decided to attended examination into university. And I passed examination into University of Finance – Marketing. Now, I can raise my knowledge level and raise the living standard.
In other words,  (ý này hoàn toàn độc lập với ý trên nên em không nên dẫn dắt ý tiếp theo bằng cụm từ NÓI CÁCH KHÁC – in orther words) the economy develop increasingly, the external economic relations have become more open, we all need to expand international relationships. So, we must have knowledge of international and foreign language.
So, I am determined to learn language to be able to find a good job. At present, I have attended English course. I hope that, with knowledge of English language which was learned in here, I believe that I can communicate with foreigners maturely. But I’m pretty busy. Every week: from Monday to Friday: I have to go to work; in the weekend, I have to go to school the university. So, I can’t concentrate on English learning problem. I have to try more. ^^
Dear Kim Ngan,
I know you are very busy of this time of your work as well as learning at the university. So you don’t have much time to invest in learning English. Im very sympathetic to you about that. Anyway it also will effect to your English, especially at time when the class is practicing Listening and Speaking part.
In this article, I understand how your personal development, I agree with your point though it looks like a programmed machine. You still do like that but let your mind is comfort and flexibility while receiving it.
Your vocabularies is limit very much, and as have not been good reflexes and listening.
I look forward you try more.
Hereby I send you an article below that related to personal development topics, pls refer it.
Best wishes,


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