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Bài Đăng Mới Nhất


Be shared by Dang Le Phuong

As long as you are still alive, you are capable of changing and growing. You can do anything you want to do, be anything you want to be. Listen to some positive thoughts on how to continue yourself development and then apply them in your own life.
  Accept personal responsibility for your own growth; no one can do it for you. What you do today will determine your readiness for tomorrow.
  Take time every day to do something for yourself.
  Take classes to stay current in your field of expertise. The world is changing rapidly and you must learn to manage change to avoid obsolescence. The way Will Rogers put this was that "Even if you are on the right track, if you just sit there you will get run over."
  Listen to cassette tapes on personal and professional growth topics.
  Be open to others and sincerely interested in them. You can learn from everyone you meet. Improve your communication skill.
  Never look back to the past-you only can control your actions in this instant, so what should you be doing right now?
  Learn from "other people's experience" rather then having to try everything for yourself. It shortens the time needed to learn. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Learn from those people who get more done than you do. Perhaps you can find a way to improve what you are doing.
  Dealing with a problem helps you learn patience and strengthens your management skills; it is good mental exercise.
  Analyze, in a non-judgmental way, mistakes in which you were involved. It will help you to prevent these in the future.
  Reward yourself when you catch yourself working on the most important priorities.
  Never say something can't or won't be done. Keep looking for ways to do it.
  Eliminate one time waster a week from your life.
  Read a minimum of one chapter of a book a day.
  Read a minimum of one book a month.
  Decide what you really desire to do-then do it.
  Develop yourself as a resource for others by networking. Find out who does what, when, and for whom. You may find excellent contacts for your future needs and for the needs of others you meet.
  Work for balance in your life goals: family, financial, professional, social, spiritual, recreational.
  Always keep your goals in mind as you start a new activity.
  Do not be afraid of failing at something. You can learn and change as a result of it.
  The most difficult projects are opportunities for your biggest successes just as the most difficult people could become your strongest allies.
  Find a nonjudgmental mentor who will help you by providing feedback, suggestions, challenges and support. Do things with someone you respect. They will be supportive of you and you will learn from interacting with them.
  Learn from the errors you see others make as well as from their successes.
  Fill your mind with positive ideas, thoughts and inspirations and you will have no room left for the negative.
  Have confidence that you can get through and learn from anything and everything you experience.
  Keep a daily journal, recording your thoughts, ideas, feelings and personal growth progress.
  Ask yourself, "How can I manipulate my fate?"
  Challenge yourself to learn something new every day.
  Remain flexible and constantly adaptable.


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